
구글 크롬 18.0.1025.142 업데이트 (Google Chrome 18.0.1025.142)

BVLGARIAN 2012. 3. 29. 15:40

3월 22일 구글 크롬 stable 버전이 17.0.963.83 으로 업데이트가 된지 1주일 만인 3월 29일 18.0.1025.142 으로 업그레이드 되었습니다.

내장된 Adobe Flash Player 가 로 업데이트 되었고 아래의 HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW 등급의 보안패치가 이루어졌습니다.

Security fixes and rewards:

[$500] [109574] Medium CVE-2011-3058: Bad interaction possibly leading to XSS in EUC-JP. Credit to Masato Kinugawa.

[$500] [112317] Medium CVE-2011-3059: Out-of-bounds read in SVG text handling. Credit to Arthur Gerkis.

[$500] [114056] Medium CVE-2011-3060: Out-of-bounds read in text fragment handling. Credit to miaubiz.

[116398] Medium CVE-2011-3061: SPDY proxy certificate checking error. Credit to Leonidas Kontothanassis of Google.

[116524] High CVE-2011-3062: Off-by-one in OpenType Sanitizer. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk of the Google Security Team.

[117417] Low CVE-2011-3063: Validate navigation requests from the renderer more carefully. Credit to kuzzcc, Sergey Glazunov, PinkiePie and scarybeasts (Google Chrome Security Team).

[$1000] [117471] High CVE-2011-3064: Use-after-free in SVG clipping. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.

[$1000] [117588] High CVE-2011-3065: Memory corruption in Skia. Credit to Omair.

[$500] [117794] Medium CVE-2011-3057: Invalid read in v8. Credit to Christian Holler.

크롬 사용하시는 분들은 설정 > Chrome 정보를 누르면 업데이트가 됩니다.

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